It takes an amazing amount of vision to look at a patch of sunburnt red soil and imagine a vineyard bursting with fruit.
Oxford Landing is all about a fresh approach to wine.
Few things in life have the power to capture a sense of place and community like wine. As places go, Oxford Landing is something special. No wonder he was smitten. It’s a location you don’t forget (or leave) in a hurry. Just ask the locals.
The gobsmacking River Murray winds its way through the rugged rural landscape, rippling with life and promise. A sense of community is the heart of the South Australian region and the river is the lifeblood that keeps it flowing.
Vegan wines are not a fad. Nor is the demand for them. Their popularity is rising. And we are glad, as all our wines are vegan and have been since 2008. It may come as a surprise that many wines are made using processing aids such as milk, egg or fining agents including gelatine. Not ours. Zero animal products (including fish, meat, eggs, or dairy) have been used in the production of our wines for more than 12 years. We’re extremely proud to say it’s going to stay that way.